2018 () Career review and planning (1) DeFi (1) Economics for NLP (1) English (2) Extracting Fine-Grained Events and Sentiment from Economic News (1) Gilles Jacobs doctoral dissertation (3) Goldfinch (1) Het Pand (2) LT3 (2) Large Language Models (1) Maple.finance (1) NLP (2) NLP Engineer (1) NLP framework (1) Natural Language Processing (1) Natural Language Processing tools (1) PhD defense (1) PhD defense invitation (1) PhD defense workshop (1) Professional reflection template (1) Python (1) Pytorch (1) RSVP (1) Registration (1) Roko's Basilisk (1) SENTiVENT (5) TrueFi (1) UGent (2) acl (1) acr122u (1) amica (2) annotator (2) atila (1) bullying detection (2) clin31 (1) coling2020 (1) conference (1) credit protocols (1) cryptocurrency (1) cuda (1) cudnn (1) cyberbullying (2) cyborg (1) dangerous things (1) decentralized finance (1) deep learning (3) developper (1) docker (1) econlp (1) economic events (3) economic news (2) economics (1) environment (1) event (2) event detection (1) event extraction (2) financial nlp (3) fine-grained sentiment analysis (1) ghent (1) gpu (1) huggingface (1) i am robot (1) implant (1) job (2) linux (1) machine learning (7) machine learning stack (1) management (1) module (1) nfc (1) open access journal publications (1) package (1) paper (2) presentation (2) publication (2) python (1) pytorch (1) research (5) rfid (1) sentiment analysis (1) sentivent (4) smartcard (1) student worker (2) studentenjob (2) text mining (2) tools (1) transformers (1) unsecured lending (1)

 2018 ()

 Career review and planning (1)

A Year of Large Transform(ers/ation): An NLP Engineer's Career Reflection

 DeFi (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 Economics for NLP (1)

Workshop on NLP for Economics

 English (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 Extracting Fine-Grained Events and Sentiment from Economic News (1)

PhD obtained and dissertation published.

 Gilles Jacobs doctoral dissertation (3)

PhD obtained and dissertation published.
Public PhD Defense Gilles Jacobs
Workshop on NLP for Economics

 Goldfinch (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 Het Pand (2)

Public PhD Defense Gilles Jacobs
Workshop on NLP for Economics

 LT3 (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 Large Language Models (1)

A Year of Large Transform(ers/ation): An NLP Engineer's Career Reflection

 Maple.finance (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 NLP (2)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 NLP Engineer (1)

A Year of Large Transform(ers/ation): An NLP Engineer's Career Reflection

 NLP framework (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 Natural Language Processing (1)

A Year of Large Transform(ers/ation): An NLP Engineer's Career Reflection

 Natural Language Processing tools (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 PhD defense (1)

PhD obtained and dissertation published.

 PhD defense invitation (1)

Public PhD Defense Gilles Jacobs

 PhD defense workshop (1)

Workshop on NLP for Economics

 Professional reflection template (1)

A Year of Large Transform(ers/ation): An NLP Engineer's Career Reflection

 Python (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 Pytorch (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 RSVP (1)

Public PhD Defense Gilles Jacobs

 Registration (1)

Workshop on NLP for Economics

 Roko's Basilisk (1)

A Cordial Invitation to Collaborate


PhD obtained and dissertation published.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 TrueFi (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 UGent (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 acl (1)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.

 acr122u (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 amica (2)

Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 annotator (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 atila (1)

Announcing a New Economic Event Dataset @ ATILA18

 bullying detection (2)

Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 clin31 (1)

CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.

 coling2020 (1)

Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.

 conference (1)

Announcing a New Economic Event Dataset @ ATILA18

 credit protocols (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 cryptocurrency (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 cuda (1)

PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 cudnn (1)

PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 cyberbullying (2)

Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 cyborg (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 dangerous things (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 decentralized finance (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness

 deep learning (3)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)
New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 developper (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 docker (1)

PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 econlp (1)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.

 economic events (3)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.

 economic news (2)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 economics (1)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.

 environment (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 event (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 event detection (1)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.

 event extraction (2)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 financial nlp (3)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.

 fine-grained sentiment analysis (1)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news

 ghent (1)

Announcing a New Economic Event Dataset @ ATILA18

 gpu (1)

PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 huggingface (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 i am robot (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 implant (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 job (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 linux (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 machine learning (7)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.
Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection
Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 machine learning stack (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 management (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 module (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 nfc (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 open access journal publications (1)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news

 package (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 paper (2)

Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 presentation (2)

CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.

 publication (2)

Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 python (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 pytorch (1)

PyTorch GPU Stack in 5 minutes or less

 research (5)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.
Publication: Automatic classification of participant roles in cyberbullying
Publication: Current limitations in cyberbullying detection

 rfid (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 sentiment analysis (1)

SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 sentivent (4)

New publications on extracting events and sentiment for financial news
CLIN31: Join our session on COVID19 Stance and Opinion and poster on financial polar facts.
Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News.
Announcing a New Economic Event Dataset @ ATILA18

 smartcard (1)

A Cyborg Implant That Suits You: Exploring NFC Smartcard Tools

 student worker (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 studentenjob (2)

Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.
Wanted Annotator at LT3, UGent.

 text mining (2)

Presenting Economic Event Detection @ ACL18.
SENTiVENT Information Extraction for Economic News.

 tools (1)

Tame the Snake: Python Package Management with Pyenv, Pipenv & Pipx

 transformers (1)

New year, New NLP: An Upgraded Stack for 2023 (Part 1)

 unsecured lending (1)

How I stopped worrying and learned to love Trustlessness